Healthy looking nails-do men need to care?
A couple of weeks ago, I went for my monthly manicure. I generally get a professional manicure done once a month and then clip and shape my nails through the month until the next appointment. One of the ways I try managing my time.
The lady handed me a whole box lined with various colours of nail paint, but soon I realized that though the colours looked good, the nail paint didn't have a brand. I tried telling the lady that my nails are sensitive and break out into split ends if not cared for by the right product, I was extremely hesitant-my nails!!! I make time for them just once a month! She went ahead anyways. A few days later, when I had to take off my nail paint, it shouldn’t have been a surprise that my poor nails had split ends hiding right under that low-grade paint! Here’s what healthy nails DON’T look like! :'(

Being a mother of two, with a third baby on the way, there’s no way I can have nail paint on my nails for more than a couple of days nor can I keep changing it often. See, there are more things than you can imagine waiting for my attention around the house everyday. Even then, I am particular about having well-groomed nails and encourage my husband to maintain his nails too (they need reminders you know)
So I decided to pen down a few things that both men and women should try and inculcate as a routine to care for our nails. Here we go:
- Try getting a manicure done AT LEAST once a month. Cuticles need to be taken care of.
- Clip your nails AT LEAST once in two weeks, depending on their growth. A good idea is to do that just after a bath or hand wash. I usually carry a nail-cutter in my bag in case of emergencies like a bended nail, broken nails, chipped off nail, dry skin, etc. (Comes handy for with the kids around too) NEVER cut your cuticles though.
- Men need to be aware of any dirt that accumulates beneath the nails and leaves ugly reflections. A nail brush can be helpful while washing the nails with a little soapy water.
- Moisturize your hands after a bath, before going to bed and after a hand-wash if possible. Rubbing cream into dry cuticles can help. Nivea or Vaseline are great for very dry hands.
- Women need to make sure they have a base coat applied BEFORE the nail paint is applied. Don't forget to check the brand of nail paint that is being used.
Remember, nails can reflect your health too. Besides, it’s always good to look presentable and well-groomed. Don’t ignore your hands…they do most of your work for you…they deserve a little attention! And mine need some immediately!!!

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