90s Beauty Trends
Came across this article at Allure on the The Most Embarrassing '90s Beauty Trends. It says 'Worst' 90s Beauty Trends. Really? "Worst"!!! I'm a 90s person. Those were the days I had the routine of filing, shaping and painting my finger and toe nails EVERY week! The reason that is 'wow' to me, is because now, with my three little girls, it's a wonder if I can file, shape and paint my nails even once in two weeks. Thank God for parlours!
Back to the topic. 90s Trends.
I've just picked some of the trends mentioned in the article, the ones I was most influenced by and would love to hear from you if you are a 90s person too!
This was when I had just started doing my brows. First and foremost, it was painful, especially for someone with thick brows like me! And then, you had the beauticians saying that thin brows were 'in.' But those were the days of Karishma Kapoor and Kajol. And a few thin brows later, I decided thicker were not just less painful, but better too.
Image Source PinkVilla
I had thick hair. And I LOVED the fountain head. It was cute! Remember the real thick scrunchies we used for them?

Image Source Pinterest
Had too curly and distressed hair which would make me look wild and unkept. I still think they look nice when they fall naturally and are not pulled out to dangle like fake stray strands.
Image Source Indian Express
Didn't have the hair for it then, but love doing it now, a little more subtly though!
Image Source Dealrocker
Did the Blue Eyeshadow ever go out of style??? Oh right! Then the Blue Eyeliner came along!

Image Source Pinterest
I hated this. Because my hair seemed crunchy whether I liked it or not, everytime I braided my hair. On the other side, there were those getting their hair permed, and crimped.
Image SourceStylecraze
One sided, or two sided. Anyone who knows me would know.
Image Source Cosmopolitan
Just a single bun with half the hair or two with hair parted in the center. The bolder ones would try more.
Image Source Pinterest
Wow! We could color our hair! Who knew we could streak! All we knew was that we could 'highlight'

Image Source Borntoday
Last but not the least here, brown lipstick. How we loved it! In all possible shades of brown. And to top it up, go matte!!!
Do you still do any of these? I've got to say I'm guilty on many counts!!! Let me know about you.
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