The Tiny Little Wardrobe of a BIG Family
I come from a family of four kids. And I have three myself now. We didn't have the luxury of walk-in wardrobes nor the nice big spacious ones. There was ALWAYS limited space, with unlimited clothes, and accessories and shoes and what not! If it were my own house, I could have custom-made it to suit my requirements, but we live in a rented home. And move regularly. We've already changed three homes in 10 years and in all probabilities will move very soon again!!! So, there's not much that can be done but use the wardrobe as is where is. But there are always little ways in which best use can be made of the limited space. And here are a few:
First things first. Ensure you have the full day at hand and have enough energy since this could really take a whole lot of time.
1. GO SHOPPING, NO, NOT FOR CLOTHES: If you don't already have organizers for your clothes and accessories, buy some before you begin. Take a good look at everything that is already in your wardrobe and decide if it would help if it were simply piled, boxed or hung. Measure the space to see how big/small a box you might need and where it could be conveniently placed. You could also plan for some DIY organizers if you or your kids are up for it.
1. GO SHOPPING, NO, NOT FOR CLOTHES: If you don't already have organizers for your clothes and accessories, buy some before you begin. Take a good look at everything that is already in your wardrobe and decide if it would help if it were simply piled, boxed or hung. Measure the space to see how big/small a box you might need and where it could be conveniently placed. You could also plan for some DIY organizers if you or your kids are up for it.
2. DE-CLUTTER with LOVE: If you have decided to re-organize your closet, begin ALL over. That means get EVERYTHING out. Then have a good look at the bare closet and imagine how awesome it would be to have clothes hanging there that you would LOVE to wear. Done? Good! That means, clothes that you don't love to wear, will have to go.
3. RE-HOME: Those clothes which you still LOVE but don't fit in your life or on your body just have to move on. Decide if you would like to re-home them by donating, selling or trashing. This might not be easy, but think about giving them a chance to be loved and cherished by someone else instead of just sitting hopefully in your wardrobe for ages, while other clothes get so much of indulgence in your life.
4. BE WEATHER WISE: Now that you're left with clothes that are loved, separate them according to the weather. If it'summer, the winter wear can be washed, packed and set aside until it's time for it to come out again. This is a good time to evaluate your wardrobe and keep what needs to be kept ONLY.
5. ASSESS YOUR STORAGE: Some like to have their shoes neatly stored in boxes at the bottom of their wardrobes. Others like them in shoe-racks. Where would you like to store what completely depends on you. I love storing socks in a drawer or a box which makes it easier to spot for the kids, the husband or me. Would you like your accessories hung on pegs on the wardrobe door or would you like it stored in specific boxes? Find what you're most comfortable with.

6. FIND FRIENDS: Nope, I didn't mean asking friends to help out, but help your clothing and accessories hang out together. It would be easier to find when you're in a rush. Sort accordingly: pants, long sleeves, short sleeves, skirts, dresses, scarves, shrugs, probably even to the extent of occasion wise. Like formals, casuals, elaborate, etc. I even color coded my husband's shirts!!! These days, there are such fun and creative ways to make the most of your space which you can find on WikiHow.
7. THE MORE YOU NEED THEM, THE MORE YOU SHOULD SEE THEM: This completely depends on your lifestyle. Like, how often do you go swimming would decide where your swimwear is placed/stored. Bulky items or lesser used items can go into the bottom-most shelf. If you wear tops/kurtis regularly, they should be right in front of your eyes. Other stuff like dresses/saris, can be neatly tucked in boxes or hung in saree organizers or covers. Find these on Amazon at great prices and in a whole lot of variety. Pic below for reference:
9. USE YOUR WARDROBE DOORS: Put a few neat and pretty looking pegs on your wardrobe doors. Your accessories and bags can now have a little more space and be a part of your closet at the same time.
10. UNDERGARMENTS ARE ALSO GARMENTS: So treat them with the same attention, organization and neatness like the others. Drawer Dividers are the most ideal for undergarments and can be easily sourced from Amazon on this link.
Hoping this would help you in your wardrobe organizing. Let me know if it does or you can even message me with any queries. Happy organizing!!!!
3. RE-HOME: Those clothes which you still LOVE but don't fit in your life or on your body just have to move on. Decide if you would like to re-home them by donating, selling or trashing. This might not be easy, but think about giving them a chance to be loved and cherished by someone else instead of just sitting hopefully in your wardrobe for ages, while other clothes get so much of indulgence in your life.
4. BE WEATHER WISE: Now that you're left with clothes that are loved, separate them according to the weather. If it'summer, the winter wear can be washed, packed and set aside until it's time for it to come out again. This is a good time to evaluate your wardrobe and keep what needs to be kept ONLY.
5. ASSESS YOUR STORAGE: Some like to have their shoes neatly stored in boxes at the bottom of their wardrobes. Others like them in shoe-racks. Where would you like to store what completely depends on you. I love storing socks in a drawer or a box which makes it easier to spot for the kids, the husband or me. Would you like your accessories hung on pegs on the wardrobe door or would you like it stored in specific boxes? Find what you're most comfortable with.

6. FIND FRIENDS: Nope, I didn't mean asking friends to help out, but help your clothing and accessories hang out together. It would be easier to find when you're in a rush. Sort accordingly: pants, long sleeves, short sleeves, skirts, dresses, scarves, shrugs, probably even to the extent of occasion wise. Like formals, casuals, elaborate, etc. I even color coded my husband's shirts!!! These days, there are such fun and creative ways to make the most of your space which you can find on WikiHow.
7. THE MORE YOU NEED THEM, THE MORE YOU SHOULD SEE THEM: This completely depends on your lifestyle. Like, how often do you go swimming would decide where your swimwear is placed/stored. Bulky items or lesser used items can go into the bottom-most shelf. If you wear tops/kurtis regularly, they should be right in front of your eyes. Other stuff like dresses/saris, can be neatly tucked in boxes or hung in saree organizers or covers. Find these on Amazon at great prices and in a whole lot of variety. Pic below for reference:

8. A CLUTTER FREE VIEW IS A TREAT TO YOUR EYES: Resist the urge to simply throw in a top that accidentally came off or pile into your wardrobe all of the outfits you kept trying before finalizing the ideal one. It may be just one today, but day after day, it's only going to add-on until the mess would seem too much to deal with immediately. Either keep them out until you can fold/hang them back carefully or make use of a laundry bag for clothes that have been taken out and not worn and have to go back. Clothes that slip-off are the most annoying, so I found that the clips that you get on newly purchased shirts are THE BEST solution to this. Simple, quick and re-usable! Just hang your dress, top, shirt, or whatever on its hanger and add a clip each on both sides...lets you hang more than just one top on each hanger too!!!

Hoping this would help you in your wardrobe organizing. Let me know if it does or you can even message me with any queries. Happy organizing!!!!
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