Monday Morning Motivation - Who You Are!!!
But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God's special possession, that you may declare the praises of Hi who called you out of darkness into His wonderful light. 1 Peter 2:9
YOU ARE A CHOSEN ONE - Jesus said, 'You did not choose me, but I chose you.' The Lord Jesus Christ chose to leave His Heavenly throne and come down taking the form of a human for the sake of YOU and ME (ALL of us) that He would sacrifice Himself and pay for our sins that NONE of us would perish, but may CHOOSE eternal life. He chose you. Have you chosen Him yet?
YOU ARE ROYALTY - All the earth has been created by and belongs to the Lord. He is King. And when you choose to be His, you are adopted by Him as His own child. You ARE therefore, now, Royalty. The descendant of the Most High, through the precious blood of Jesus that qualifies you.
YOU ARE A PRIEST - A priest has direct access to the throne room of God. You may enter when you please and commune with Him one-on-one. You DO NOT need a mediator for Christ Himself became your pathway at the Cross of Calvary and is your continual mediator.
YOU ARE A HOLY NATION - You have national privileges in Heaven and on Earth, as a child of God. Your nationality is now 'divine' and you have been washed of all your filth and dirt by the cleansing blood of Christ Jesus. You are a Saint! Behave like one! The world needs to know that Jesus can change the most horrible sinners into the most holy saints.
YOU ARE GOD's SPECIAL POSSESSION - You are not your own. You now belong to the Lord. And you are His SPECIAL treasure. No matter what anyone says about you, no matter what the world thinks about you, HE calls you His own. You are special. You are loved. You are cherished beyond what you can even imagine. No wonder He chose to even die for you to show you how much you mean to Him!!!
YOU HAVE A PURPOSE - Your purpose is to declare the praises of Him who has redeemed you out of your pit. By the word of your testimony, by the song of your praise would others know that there is hope.
YOU ARE ENVELOPED BY A MARVELOUS LIGHT - The light of the world does not lie in the sun, for even the sun sets at night. But the Light of the world and that of your life can only be found in Jesus Christ. When you choose Him, you choose to be submerged in His Holy Spirit. Your eyes may not be able to see, but He wraps you in His light. His light, that is so magnificent that no eye can behold. This Light makes every thing about you extra-ordinary...not because of who you are, but because of who surrounds you. This Light is liberating, cleansing, strengthening, equipping, loving, caring, protecting, shielding and more. This Light opens your eyes to the revelation only God gives.

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YOU ARE A CHOSEN ONE - Jesus said, 'You did not choose me, but I chose you.' The Lord Jesus Christ chose to leave His Heavenly throne and come down taking the form of a human for the sake of YOU and ME (ALL of us) that He would sacrifice Himself and pay for our sins that NONE of us would perish, but may CHOOSE eternal life. He chose you. Have you chosen Him yet?
YOU ARE ROYALTY - All the earth has been created by and belongs to the Lord. He is King. And when you choose to be His, you are adopted by Him as His own child. You ARE therefore, now, Royalty. The descendant of the Most High, through the precious blood of Jesus that qualifies you.
YOU ARE A PRIEST - A priest has direct access to the throne room of God. You may enter when you please and commune with Him one-on-one. You DO NOT need a mediator for Christ Himself became your pathway at the Cross of Calvary and is your continual mediator.
YOU ARE A HOLY NATION - You have national privileges in Heaven and on Earth, as a child of God. Your nationality is now 'divine' and you have been washed of all your filth and dirt by the cleansing blood of Christ Jesus. You are a Saint! Behave like one! The world needs to know that Jesus can change the most horrible sinners into the most holy saints.
YOU ARE GOD's SPECIAL POSSESSION - You are not your own. You now belong to the Lord. And you are His SPECIAL treasure. No matter what anyone says about you, no matter what the world thinks about you, HE calls you His own. You are special. You are loved. You are cherished beyond what you can even imagine. No wonder He chose to even die for you to show you how much you mean to Him!!!
YOU HAVE A PURPOSE - Your purpose is to declare the praises of Him who has redeemed you out of your pit. By the word of your testimony, by the song of your praise would others know that there is hope.
YOU ARE ENVELOPED BY A MARVELOUS LIGHT - The light of the world does not lie in the sun, for even the sun sets at night. But the Light of the world and that of your life can only be found in Jesus Christ. When you choose Him, you choose to be submerged in His Holy Spirit. Your eyes may not be able to see, but He wraps you in His light. His light, that is so magnificent that no eye can behold. This Light makes every thing about you extra-ordinary...not because of who you are, but because of who surrounds you. This Light is liberating, cleansing, strengthening, equipping, loving, caring, protecting, shielding and more. This Light opens your eyes to the revelation only God gives.
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